What Are Good Cards for a Blue Eyes Deck
Jeremy enjoys dueling in between working as a chemical analyst and campus building manager.
Blue-Eyes White Dragon Deck Overview
Wielded by Seto Kaiba in the anime, Blue-Eyes White Dragon is the strongest original normal monster and has been adored by Yu-Gi-Oh fans for decades. Despite its lack of effects, it remains more than viable in competitive play due to numerous support cards, and it even inspired the Blue-Eyes archetype.
To make your imposing dragon deck the best you can, let's review the top ten cards to consider for your Blue-Eyes White Dragon build! Other than Blue-Eyes itself, of course. You're gonna want to put that in if you're using Blue-Eyes support cards.

Dragon Spirit of White
10. Dragon Spirit of White
Type: Monster
At first glance, Dragon Spirit of White seems outside the Blue-Eyes named series, but its first effect counts it as a Blue-Eyes card, useful for other Blue-Eyes-dependent cards. It's also treated as a normal monster while in the hand or graveyard, and when normal or special summoned, you can target and banish an opposing spell or trap. This adds some sweet spell/trap removal to the Blue-Eyes family, especially since the target is banished, making graveyard recovery impossible.
Additionally, as long as your opponent controls at least one monster, you can at any point (even on their turn) tribute Dragon Spirit to summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon from your hand, a great way to circumvent the usual two sacrifices it would require to normal summon.

Return of the Dragon Lords
9. Return of the Dragon Lords
Type: Spell
Many magic cards (Dragon Shrine, Future Fusion, etc.) can gimmick dragon creatures from your deck to the graveyard, meaning it's important to find ways to resummon them from there. The aptly-named Return of the Dragon Lords does just that, special summoning a level 7 or 8 dragon-type monster from your graveyard. Of course, Blue-Eyes is level 8, qualifying for the effect.
As a bonus, once in the graveyard, you can banish Return of the Dragon Lords to prevent a dragon-type monster(s) from being destroyed, regardless of whether through battle or effect. Two abilities for the price of one!

The White Stone of Ancients
8. The White Stone of Ancients
Type: Monster
As a tuner, The White Stone of Ancients can help summon powerful synchro monsters, several of which compliment the Blue-Eyes family, but more on those later. Once per turn, during your end phase, if this card was placed in the graveyard during this turn (regardless of from where), you can special summon one Blue-Eyes monster from your deck! You can also banish this card from your graveyard to add one Blue-Eyes monster from your graveyard to your hand.
Both effects terrifically aid Blue-Eyes cards by allowing easy summons and graveyard retrievals. Just remember that the first effect summons the Blue-Eyes during the end (not the beginning) of your turn; assuming the monster survives, you won't be able to attack with it until your next turn.

Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
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Type: Monster
Sure, it's a bit ironic that the rival archetype Red-Eyes offers a monster who works well alongside Blue-Eyes, but Darkness Metal Dragon's power is too great to be ignored. In fact, as of this writing, it's limited in official play, meaning you can only place one copy into your deck.
Beyond its sweet ATK and DEF, Darkness Metal can be easily special summoned from the hand by banishing any face-up dragon-type monster you control. Even better, it can once per turn summon a dragon (anything other than itself, but then again there should only be one in your deck anyways) from your hand or graveyard. As long as you can protect Red-Eyes, this offers a great reusable monster summon that can pull from both the hand and the graveyard, so don't be afraid to inject some red and black into your blue and white build.
6. Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon
Type: Monster
Wielding the exact same impressive ATK and DEF as the original Blue-Eyes, Alternative White Dragon cannot be normal summoned or set. Instead, you can (once per turn) special summon it by revealing Blue-Eyes White Dragon in your hand. Additionally, while on the field, the card's name changes to Blue-Eyes White Dragon, which helps you fusion summon monsters like Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, who demand specific material monsters.
Finally, you can (once per turn) target and destroy an opposing monster, a great removal for pesky battle-destruction immune creatures. However, be aware that when you do so, Alternative White Dragon will be unable to attack that turn, so plan accordingly.

The White Stone of Legend
5. The White Stone of Legend
Type: Monster
Another tuner with dreadful battle stats, The White Stone of Legend nonetheless conceals tremendous power. When it's sent to the graveyard, you simply add a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from your deck to the hand.
The beauty here is this occurs no matter how White Stone is sent to the graveyard. Being destroyed by battle or effect, used in a synchro summon, discarded from the hand, or gimmicked from the deck will all trigger the ability, ensuring you find your signature Blue-Eyes before long. Finally, note the lack of a once-per-turn limitation, meaning you can activate the effect as much as you want in a single move.

Deep-Eyes White Dragon
4. Deep-Eyes White Dragon
Type: Monster
Despite being a high level, you'll note the odd 0 ATK/DEF of Deep-Eyes, but before casting judgment, let's review the card's many redeeming factors:
- When a face-up Blue-Eyes monster you control is destroyed by battle or an opponent's card effect while you have a dragon-type monster in your graveyard, you can special summon this card from your hand and inflict 600 damage to your opponent for each dragon with a different name in your graveyard.
- When this card is normal or special summoned, target a dragon in your graveyard and change this card's ATK to match the chosen dragon's ATK.
- If this fielded card is destroyed by an opponent's card effect, destroy all monsters your opponent controls.
What else could you ask for? The first ability provides an easy summoning condition, the second gives Deep-Eyes incredible ATK, and the third applies a free Raigeki (monster wipe) as punishment if Deep-Eyes is destroyed by an effect.

Maiden with Eyes of Blue
3. Maiden with Eyes of Blue
Type: Monster
She may not be Dark Magician, but Maiden with Eyes of Blue shares Yugi's monster's spellcaster-type rather than the dragon element we've come to expect. Nonetheless, she's easily one of the finest (maybe not the best choice of words) Blue-Eyes supporters available, offering a rare hint of defense into your offense-heavy build.
You see, despite Maiden's 0 ATK and 0 DEF, she doesn't have to worry about being defeated; whenever she's targeted for an attack, she can negate the attack, change her battle position, and special summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon from your hand, field, or graveyard. She can also pull Blue-Eyes when targeted by an opposing effect.
Although most opponents aren't dumb enough to attack her, remember that some cards force opponents to swing (like "Yang Zing Unleashed") and trigger the effect. Even if you don't have one available, Maiden will indefinitely stall your foe as they struggle to remove her without activating her abilities and inadvertently handing you Blue-Eyes.

Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon
2. Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon
Type: Monster
If you gave a bunch of monkeys a typewriter, coloring tools, and infinite time (hey, it's probably Konami's strategy anyway), they'd inevitably produce the several extra deck dragons designed to support Blue-Eyes structures, one of the best being the synchro monster Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon. Reversing Blue-Eyes stats, it wields 2500 ATK and 3000 DEF, and when special summoned, its effect protects all dragon monsters you currently control (including itself) from being targeted or destroyed by effects until the end of the next turn!
Plus, during each of your standby phases (the starts of your turn, after you draw), you're allowed to summon any normal monster (even non-dragons) from your graveyard, a great way to field a defeated Blue-Eyes. Also, note that the first effect triggers when special summoned, not just synchro summoned, meaning recovering Azure-Eyes from the graveyard still implements the effect. It's a great defensive card; just note that it demands a non-tuner normal monster (use Blue-Eyes, ya dingus) serve as material in its synchro summoning.

The Melody of Awakening Dragon
1. The Melody of Awakening Dragon
Type: Spell
Surprisingly, a somewhat simple spell steals top spot. The Melody of Awakening Dragon is activated by discarding one card, letting you add up to two dragon-type monsters with 3000 or more ATK and 2500 or less DEF from your deck to your hand. Though you'll often use this to find Blue-Eyes White Dragon, consider that the effect can search for other cards too (like Alternative White Dragon).
While the discard may seem like a downside, remember that stocking your graveyard sets you up for recoveries, and cards like The White Stone of Legend will trigger upon graveyard entrance, turning a potential disadvantage into a strength. For a reliable search and clever graveyard-fill, you won't find better than The Melody of Awakening Dragon, and should definitely sprinkle some into your Blue-Eyes build.
Future Blue-Eyes Cards
Considering dragons' popularity (I hear they pair well with dungeons), remember that Blue-Eyes decks can be improved by not just Blue-Eyes support, but general dragon support. To that end, feel free to examine several underestimated dragon cards and experiment to find what works for you!
But for now, as we eagerly await Konami's next batch of winged reptiles, vote for your favorite dragon support, and I'll see you at our next Yu-Gi-Oh countdown!
Questions & Answers
Question: Are Blue-Eyes White Dragon Yu-Gi-Oh decks really overpowered?
Answer: No deck is invincible, but with some incredible ATK scores, brutal monster effects, and plenty of great support cards, many duelists think the series is overpowered.
Question: Are Blue Eyes decks competitively viable?
Answer: Definitely, at least when built well. Dragons are a popular type that has plenty of support options, making it easy to combine both Blue-Eyes specific and general dragon support cards into one potent pack. Throw in some high ATK values that offer a great beatdown strategy, and Blue-Eyes builds should more than hold their own.
Question: In Yu-Gi-Oh, can link monsters work in a Blue-Eyes deck?
Answer: Yes, especially if you want multiple Blue-Eyes fusion monsters out at once.
© 2018 Jeremy Gill
bob smith on February 23, 2020:
Do you go to tournaments? Great article tho
DuckyDog on February 06, 2019:
Could you do Odd-eyes next, I know some cards I need to include (Arc and Persona for instance) but some others I'm not so sure, lancer and saber maybe, xiangke to get the effects of rebellion/raging pendulum reborn to get back the monsters, some generic pendulums maybe? I'm honestly torn as to what to include.
Robert on January 09, 2019:
what about Rage with Eyes of Blue, or Beacon of White?
Jeremy Gill (author) from Louisiana on September 07, 2018:
Agree to disagree, my friend. I'm not saying every Blue-Eyes deck needs three Maidens, but she can stall as well as synchro, and her peers can help search her.
Darkness Metal Dragon's price of banishing one dragon really isn't that bad, especially since it can consistently summon from your hand or graveyard, rapidly filling your field. If you're worried about a dead hand, summon from the graveyard, which can easily be set up using Melody or Twin Twisters.
Matthias on September 07, 2018:
Blue Eyes is already bricky af. So cards like maiden and deep eyes are really bad choices because they are really situational. I would replace maiden with Sage with the eyes of Blue. Could also argue about the red eyes dragon because it also leads to more dead hands.
Lango on May 14, 2018:
Also blue eyes twin burst dragon can be fused without polymerization
Lango on May 14, 2018:
Blue eyes twin burst dragon is amazing too can kill any monster with its effect immortal to battle damage
Jeremy Gill (author) from Louisiana on May 02, 2018:
Thank you. Yes, burn chain decks rely on effect damage to defeat foes, sometimes throwing in a heap of stall cards to defend themselves. Many employ the card Chain Strike, which inflicts 400 damage per its chain level, landing thousands of damage when chained in a long link.
To learn about similar cards, feel free to check out both my top ten effect damage monsters countdown and top ten effect damage spells/traps!
BEWARE DANGER on April 30, 2018:
Very nice article, man. Also do you happen to have any information on burn chain decks?
Jeremy Gill (author) from Louisiana on April 22, 2018:
Return of the Dragon Lords is definitely a great addition (I'm sure you saw it made today's number 9 slot) to a Blue-Eyes build. However, you might be exaggerating a bit when calling it only "slightly toned down" from Monster Reborn; unlike that card, it requires a specific type and level and can only access your graveyard, not your opponent's.
Still a great spell though, and while I do my best to rank the cards I choose in fitting spots, my ultimate goal is to introduce fans to cards they may not know about, for which purpose the precise order doesn't particularly matter.
Drew on April 20, 2018:
While I understand your logic in some of these choices, i feel that gospel revival (Return of the Dragon Lords) should take the top spot because its essentially a slightly toned down monster reborn with monster protection.
Source: https://hobbylark.com/card-games/Top-Yu-Gi-Oh-Cards-to-Support-Blue-Eyes-White-Dragon
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